Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Raynauds Syndrome More Condition_symptoms RAYNAUDS Syndrome/phenomenom SELF HELP Advice?

RAYNAUDS syndrome/phenomenom SELF HELP advice? - raynauds syndrome more condition_symptoms

I'm pretty sure that what is being called, Raynaud's phenomenon. I watch all the syptoms. What can I do to alleviate them?


aWellWis... said...

Treatment depends on the severity of the disease with mildly impaired and the concrete measures such as the use of heating pads, gloves and hats, heat, often relieve symptoms.
Good information is available on this site --
http://www.raynauds.org.uk/potioncms/vie ...
Good luck!

ella said...

Help yourself --- Go see a doctor!

ella said...

Help yourself --- Go see a doctor!

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