Thursday, January 21, 2010

History Of Genital Herpes Why Does The History International Channel Run SO MANY Ads For Genital Herpes Medication?

Why does the History International channel run SO MANY ads for Genital Herpes medication? - history of genital herpes

Is there a study that finds that lovers of history are prone, high rates of herpes?


Alli said...

The ads will play all the time and in almost all channels.

GlaxoSmithKline (the makers of Valtrex) are trying to get their products to the public, like all other pharmaceutical companies. When a show cut to a commercial break, you can always at least one drug trade.

I do not believe that "a lover of history," more than any cool, is a company trying to sell their products to make money. It is estimated that 80% of the world of cold sores (herpes labialis), and 25% of the world have genital herpes. That's a lot of money for the producers Valtrex can be done!

Agape said...

Well, the makers of Valtrex have difficulty in obtaining advertising space on popular channels because of the stigma of sexually transmitted diseases. Reduce the high cost of advertising on these stations would be their profits. And since 1 in 4 women and 1 in 5 male genital herpes (if you are interested in history or not) that a broad base of consumers in the market FIRST!

Agape said...

Well, the makers of Valtrex have difficulty in obtaining advertising space on popular channels because of the stigma of sexually transmitted diseases. Reduce the high cost of advertising on these stations would be their profits. And since 1 in 4 women and 1 in 5 male genital herpes (if you are interested in history or not) that a broad base of consumers in the market FIRST!

mindless... said...

Only the public warnings about what might happen and how much you suck it ... I just want to think about with a cold sore on the genitals ...

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