Friday, January 22, 2010

Garden Edging Tools What Is The Best Way To Clean Garden Tool Before Putting Them Away?

What is the best way to clean garden tool before putting them away? - garden edging tools

In particular, metal tools such as hoes, scythes, etc., which can have a little rust. Is it possible to sharpen the edges for me?


Cynthia said...

If you are using the tools for the season to be removed from sand, dirt and chemicals should be eliminated, then lightly oiled to prevent rust finished. I use a file from touching the edges of my pick and shovel, but I'm sure that if I turn the wheel, I would have a better edge. Make sure the oil after sharpening. I also have a five-gallon bucket near the door to my garden filled with sand to 3 / 4. I have a liter of engine oil in the sand and mix a little. When made with a spade or garden shears, she lay in the sand before hanging or storage. It will easily remove dirt and oil to last them longer. Good luck in the garden.

Cynthia said...

If you are using the tools for the season to be removed from sand, dirt and chemicals should be eliminated, then lightly oiled to prevent rust finished. I use a file from touching the edges of my pick and shovel, but I'm sure that if I turn the wheel, I would have a better edge. Make sure the oil after sharpening. I also have a five-gallon bucket near the door to my garden filled with sand to 3 / 4. I have a liter of engine oil in the sand and mix a little. When made with a spade or garden shears, she lay in the sand before hanging or storage. It will easily remove dirt and oil to last them longer. Good luck in the garden.

tweedbfl... said...

Once we have several programs in the garden have learned to keep my tools of metal end of the garden in a 5gal bucket with a mixture of sand and old engine oil. Thus the rust and dirt and prevents sinking of oil removed and rust. In terms of sharpness is a tool called "bastard" file in the tip angle for sharpening knives. Do not pay much attention, because most of my tools on one side, the other strong Sharpe used to refine the wrong direction!

Valerie said...

What are your tools of the damage is moisture. Clean with water and then dried. Wipe dry with a paper towel.

I have a few people have ever known to spray WD-40 into their instruments, after you have done to prevent rust, but it is only necessary if you live with high humidity.

killbasa... said...

Wash with soap and water. Now and then wipe with a rag soaked in oil (vegetable oil will help to remove the tool, too!). Massage with linseed oil to wooden handles for a soft decision in the spring.
Sharpness is a breeze, if you have a mill, but if not, you can use a whetstone to arise from the edges of cutting tools.

Eileen J said...

Oh, you're good, not clean me, if they are covered in mud ... I usually just put on the line, and when they are wet to dry, but if you were really good, I might remove a bit of bleach or detergent dryer easily with the old rag ...
Never impressed me either ... I write a lot in the garden
Perhaps if you are a stone and it's like a knife, and only on one side than the RUB, the works .. When a very bad steel wool to rust .... GOOD LUCK!

Jan Luv said...

Dirt clean, wash if necessary.
Use one inch 12 to 14 wells are not produced cheaply in China to sharpen their tools
Apply a thin layer of oil on metal parts in a dry place and time
Good luck

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