Monday, February 1, 2010

Cervical Fluid Milky Day After Period Is It Normal To Have The White Cervical Fluid A Week Before Your Period??? Help Me...?

Is it normal to have the white cervical fluid a week before your period??? Help me...? - cervical fluid milky day after period

OK girls, I am a cycle of 31 days and my last period from April 17, I expected this month as 17 (the) ...
TTC baby # 1 for like 8 months and one week after my time was over (April 17) I started with all types of discharge (lotiony, creamy, milky, clear elastic flow) is today, "Today is May 9th and is instant Messages with this creamy white discharge (a few days ago) and instant messaging on the verge of my days in the week, what could this be? I ovulate on May 3. Am I pregnant?
Any tips?

Do you think that a pregnancy test be carried out correctly now?

1 comment:

ddwannab... said...

How strange, our rings are identical!

I am aware at this time and the test strip has been shown that ovulation 7th May some people ovulate more than others, and I think that is what happens to you.

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